Janice Hanly

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Corporate and Social Etiquette

Good manners have much to do with emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them – Amy Vanderbilt
So why are so many people lacking in an understanding of the rules? No one has ever taught them! – John J. Daly Jr

Ever had a 'star performer' in your team who has been promoted quickly through the ranks and you absolutely know that you have a winner on your hands? This person has a charismatic personality. He or she is enthusiastic, intelligent and hard-working. But somehow they just fall short of your expectations. Somehow there appears to be a few gaps here and there. This person is not behaving in the way that you would expect when you are out at client meetings and client functions.

Have you considered that perhaps they just don’t know any better. Perhaps they were never shown what is expected on a corporate and social etiquette level. Could this person go that much further with a little bit of help?

This workshop is designed to assist clients to achieve that finer edge that one expects of those who have reached a certain level. It is designed to assist coachees to feel comfortable conversing and liaising at all levels.

Topics covered in the workshop include:

•    Joining a new company – culture shock
•    Meeting new people and making a great first impression
•    Conversational techniques and empathetic listening
•    Body language
•    Telephone etiquette
•    'Netiquette' – email  and internet etiquette
•    Image and dressing for success
•    Guest etiquette at social events
•    Business dining etiquette
•    Host etiquette
•    Table settings and table manners
•    Toasts and toasting
•    Customs around the world
•    Travel manners and what is expected in different cultures

This workshop can be customised to suit individual requirements.

For more information on Corporate & Social Etiquette workshop please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Janice Hanly - All rights Reserved.